30-minute Webcast

SIRV the Students

A Student Success Week 2014 Session

Today’s hyper-connected students are quite comfortable with multiple sources of digitally-based information that can saturate them with nearly instant information. The difficulty arises when this glut of information needs to be distilled into subject-matter skills that increases cognitive understanding and decreases mere reliance on data retrieval.

Join Dennis Kessinger for a discussion of a successful technique to apply to the learning process known as SIRV -- Saturation, Incubation, Recognition, Validation -- that leverages the wealth of online information into building cognitive and discernment skills.


Dennis Kessinger, J.D., M.A. has been teaching at the community college and university level for over twenty years with the last ten years in the online education environment. He teaches law, business, public administration, and literature courses as a certified core adjunct for National University. He also currently works in a California District Attorney’s office.

Kenneth Balibalos is a Marketing Associate for Turnitin. He manages the Turnitin Educator Network to connect educators to each other and support them at their institution. He regularly chats with educators and works alongside them to develop instructional resources, and also posts on social media and supports other customer programs.

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