1-Hour Webcast
Responding to Plagiarism: Lesson Plans and Strategies
In this webcast, author Lynn Lampert provides useful tools to combat the copy/paste culture. Instructors of all levels will leave with effective plagiarism teaching tools, from lesson plans to rubrics.

Lynn Lampert is the Chair of Reference & Instructional Services and Coordinator of Information Literacy & Instruction at California State University Northridge. She has specialized in the area of information literacy instruction for over 15 years. Her 2008 book, Combating Student Plagiarism: An Academic Librarian’s Guide was published by Chandos Publishing (Oxford Limited). Lynn’s articles include: "The Instruction Librarian’s Role in Discussing Issues of Academic Integrity" which appeared in The LOEX Quarterly in 2006; “Integrating discipline-based plagiarism instruction into the information literacy curriculum” which appeared in Reference Services Review in December of 2004. She is active in ACRL and CARL.

Summer Dittmer taught high school Drama, Online Expository Writing, English and Honors English for 11 years. Aside from teaching 12th grade Literature, she is the Student Activities Coordinator at Mercy High School in Burlingame, CA. She has trained teachers in developing online curriculum, along with assisting in implementing effective one-to-one iPad programs. Summer also creates professional development webinars for Turnitin, emphasizing how instructors can effectively integrate technology into their curriculum.
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