Revision Assistant Press Kit
Revision Assistant Approved Quotes
Revision Assistant Product Screenshot Pack
Background White Paper - Top Ten Points Researchers Say Make Feedback Effective
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Approved Photos and Captions :
Caption: Middle school students work on essays in their school computer lab using Turnitin Revision Assistant. The new technology helps students revise their work based on constructive feedback given while they write.
Caption: Middle school students in Pittsburgh work together and revise essays they wrote using Revision Assistant, new technology from Turnitin.
Caption: Middle schoolers in Pittsburgh receive instruction from their teacher who explains how Turnitin Revision Assistant can help them improve their essays with automated, immediate feedback.
Caption: Two Pittsburgh middle school students work on their essays using new technology from Turnitin. Revision Assistant helps students improve their essays by giving immediate, constructive feedback while they are writing.
Chris Caren, CEO, Turnitin
Jason Chu, Marketing Director, Turnitin
Elijah Mayfield, VP of New Technologies, Turnitin
Case Studies:
Hostos-Lincoln Academy - Feedback that Extends Teachers' Reach
Upper St. Clair High School - Feedback that Engages Students and Encourages them to Take Ownership
Wheeling Middle School - Easy-to-Understand, Actionable Feedback that Results in More Revision
Business Wire Press Clip - 1:39 (password: bw)
Revision Assistant Promo Spot - 2:08
User Testimonials - 5:02 (Password: ra)
Product Overview - 2:15
Product Walkthrough : Instructor View
Prompt Library
The prompt library include informative, narrative, and argumentative writing assignments. There are both open-ended and source-based prompts in each genre.
Prompt Selection / Custom Message
Teachers can review writing tasks, subject areas, and any texts that are related to the prompt before assigning it. They can also provide any special instructions to their students in the system and in the context of the prompt.
Prompt Rubric
Each assignment accompanied by a genre and grade appropriate rubric. Each rubric has four traits, on which students’ writing is assessed. The four category scale separates students’ skills into four levels of mastery. Students use these rubrics as they write, and teachers can determine final grades using Revision Assistant’s ratings or their own rubric-based assessment.
Prompt Learning Standards Alignment
Revision Assistant prompts are Common-Core aligned, and teachers can review which assignments target each ELA standard in-system. With this information at hand, teachers can easily target the skills they need to emphasize most in their classes.
Review Student Work
See every draft, every comment, and every Signal Check. Each student’s process and progress is clearly captured.
Score Report
Score reports summarize where students stand at the completion of each assignment. A simple Excel spreadsheet tells you how the class is performing as a whole on genre-specific traits. Use the detailed view to structure differentiated instruction across groups based on student performance.
Product Walkthrough : Student View
Assigned Prompt
Easy access to the assignment, the rubric, and teacher instructions in one place makes it easy for students to focus the expectations of the writing task.
Prewriting Tools
Great writing starts with a great plan. The prewriting tool gives students an informal space to brainstorm, plan their work, and get help with the basic structure of an essay. Teachers can see this planning work when students turn in their work.
Writing Space
Students can compose their work in the browser alongside the assignment and with prewriting and the rubric close at hand.
Signal Checks on Draft
Signal Checks, Revision Assistant’s flavor of instant feedback, provide students with a holistic indicator of their work and targeted feedback on highlighted areas where they can rework their text or recognize their strengths. Signal Checks encourage revision and self-reflection by putting ownership of the process into students’ hands.
Holistic Feedback Trait Explanation
Wifi-like signals demonstrate to students how they’re performing on the whole essay. Each signal is based on a trait related to the genre. Four traits per assignment help students practice all of the skills needed to write for any audience.
Signal Check Comment Expanded
Students want to know how to get to the next level. The expanded explanations for each trait provides students with tips on how to improve their entire essay for each skill.
Specific Feedback Comments
In-line comments on the essay help focus the student on specific areas of the essay. Each Signal Check includes four comments--one for each rubric category. Two comments indicate places where the student is performing relatively well and are indicated with green check marks. Two comments, preceded by red flags, let students know that these are weak areas. All comments provide constructive guidance that help students apply their strengths elsewhere and recognize and take action to improve weaker areas.
Submission / Message to Instructor
Students submit their work directly through Revision Assistant, so that teachers can see all of their drafts and Signal Checks. Students also have an opportunity to send a self-reflection or analysis of their writing and process at submission time. Teachers may review and respond to these message within Revision Assistant, as they review student work.